25 July 2010

10 FOR 10 Update

It's more than halfway through 2010, so it's probably a good time to take an inventory of where I stand with this year's goals.

1. Get reacquainted with old friends.

I've been better, but there's still a long way to go. Alumni Banquet helped, but I have definitely slipped agian. I am planning a trip to North Carolina in September for just this purpose.

2. Get Certified.

Still not there. But working on it. Well thinking about working on it. I'm trying to figure out exactly which direction to go, which program to do, and how it all will work with my schedule.

3. Get into Shape.

Status Quo, although I'm signing up for a new gym this week and will be trying to get there at least 3 days a week before work. I've also been doing yoga, but it's a vicious cycle. I'm frustrated that I'm not in the shape I used to be in, and I'm afraid of pushing too hard and getting hurt. I'm shotting for halloween now- and a LeeLoo costume that will leave little to the imagination.

4.Get Organized.

Status Quo, sadly.

5.Get a Motorcycle.

Status Quo. Although now that I will shortly be off Sundays, I'm going to try to find time to sit at the DMV for my permit test again, and the money for the weekend class for my license.

6.Put Money in the Bank.

More than halfway there, although with yoga and a motorcycle license on my 'To Do' list, I don't think I'm going to make it.
In the same thread, all my credit cards are paid off, so I no longer have that debt looming over my head.

7. Get Enlightened.

Status Quo. I feel like I've barely thought about this one, much less addressed it.

8. Have more Patience.

Again, Status Quo. I thought I was doing well, but the last few weeks have been kind of frustrating. I've been very short with everyone and everything. Work has reached a tipping point, and I'm just feeling frustrated and a little out of control. I know my time management has been really horrible lately as well, which as caused me no small amount of stress.

9. Get Working.

Work has been rather frustrating lately, and I've reached the point that I do seriously need to start my job search again. I feel a bit stunted by the fact that I'm trying to do so much. I have, occasionally, been working on things in Illustrator and Photoshop (as well as some knitting), some of which I'm rather proud of. So at least I have a start.

10. ?

Still up for grabs, I haven't found something else that I want to focus on this year. With everything else I set out to do languishing half-finished or barely started, I'm not sure I've even have time to add something else to this list.