29 September 2010

Merriam and Webster - Foment


: to promote the growth or development of : rouse, incite <foment a rebellion>
foment a Rebellion and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice or Representation.>

Thanks Gabriel Garcia Marquez for getting this word stuck in my head.

27 September 2010

Merriam and Webster - Vacillate

1: to sway through lack of equilibrium b : fluctuate, oscillate
2: to waver in mind, will, or feeling : hesitate in choice of opinions or courses 
I credit my parents - especially my mother- with my unwavering love of language. Because of my love affair with words, sometimes I get stuck on one or another.  
Lately, vacillate keeps trying to beat me up and steal my lunch money.

26 September 2010


Guerilla Crochet in the Rocket Park

I was lucky enough to be able to spend the day at Maker Faire yesterday.  I can't even begin to say how amazing and inspiring it was, not to mention a little overwhelming.

There was a lot of stuff that I'm really excited about:
Maker Faire did get my wheels turning though.  It made me realize that maybe, just maybe, art can actually be something I do for love and for money without it necessarily being something I do for someone else.

Added to my stash-  I talked yarn, Mike talked computers.