15 December 2008

Rebirth of the Blog

It seems everyone in my life has started blogging all over again. It's been a long time since I've had to keep track of my friends' blogs. In High School it was all petulant teenage stuff- what this girl said, or this boy did. Now that we've grown up a bit, it's seems more like a way to reflect on our lives and to get and give support and advice without having to be asked or ask for it.

I've been blogging on and off since Livejournal was invite only. I can't even remember the name of the site that hosted my first blog. Then it was on to Livejournal, then Vox. I've blogged on OkCupid and had another blog on Blogger for a year. On top of that I've kept a paper journal for the past 12 years.

I don't want a blog as an outlet for complaining about boys anymore, or gossiping about celebrities or last night's tv plot twists or bitching about my friends. I don't see myself bragging about my Christmas presents or my new job should I ever get one.

I probably will post photos from my camera-phone, very-offbeat haiku, reflections on my Buddhist path, and frustrations about my job search among other things. There will be posts about struggling with metta and silly things people say to me at work and striving towards the perfect Vrschikasana.

With this new blog I'm hoping to avoid the pitfalls of trying to present a particular face to the world. I'm just trying to share little pieces of me in the hope that when it all comes together I'll have a better idea of who I am and where I need to go.

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